Frequently asked questions

What's Outset's pricing model?
Is my data safe with your platform?
How does this compare to open-ended survey questions?
Is this as good as a human interview?
We need help recruiting participants. Can Outset help?
We are sensitive about our users’ data. How do we send participants to Outset without sharing PII?
I have a unique analysis process. Can I export this data?
How do we provide incentives to participants through Outset?
What's Outset's pricing model?
Is my data safe with your platform?
How does this compare to open-ended survey questions?
Is this as good as a human interview?
We need help recruiting participants. Can Outset help?
We are sensitive about our users’ data. How do we send participants to Outset without sharing PII?
I have a unique analysis process. Can I export this data?
How do we provide incentives to participants through Outset?
What's Outset's pricing model?
Is my data safe with your platform?
How does this compare to open-ended survey questions?
Is this as good as a human interview?
We need help recruiting participants. Can Outset help?
We are sensitive about our users’ data. How do we send participants to Outset without sharing PII?
I have a unique analysis process. Can I export this data?
How do we provide incentives to participants through Outset?
What's Outset's pricing model?
Is my data safe with your platform?
How does this compare to open-ended survey questions?
Is this as good as a human interview?
We need help recruiting participants. Can Outset help?
We are sensitive about our users’ data. How do we send participants to Outset without sharing PII?
I have a unique analysis process. Can I export this data?
How do we provide incentives to participants through Outset?

Want to give it a try?

Go through an interview as a participant to see what AI moderated interviews can feel like.


Want to give it a try?

Go through an interview as a participant to see what AI moderated interviews can feel like.


Want to give it a try?

Go through an interview as a participant to see what AI moderated interviews can feel like.


Want to give it a try?

Go through an interview as a participant to see what AI moderated interviews can feel like.
